The Reviews on the Mac App Store
Simple and it works great
by CamposMusic
Jul 07, 2024
It is a simple and effective way to add chapter markers to any mov file.
by keiF4
Jun 08, 2024
by Pelle 150
Jun 04, 2024
Fungerar dessvärre inte i OneDrive annars bara program

Good but needs a waveform view
by patthedog123
Nov 30, 2023
I use this more for audio than video. A waveform view would be a great improvement.
Trop bien !
by Bilbo567
Oct 08, 2023
Ça fonctionne exatement comme je le souhaite 😀
Seit langem ein super Helfer
by brainray
Jul 12, 2023
Oft möchte man bei Videos eigne Marker haben, damit man später Ding nicht suchen muss. Mchapters ist dafür genau das richtige Tool. Ich liebe es und benutze es schon seit einige Jahren. Bitte weiter so :-)

by maclander
Jul 15, 2022
I'm extremely happy with the app. It's the easiest app for chaptering I've used by far. Really fast, really simple. Worth every penny. Thanks Yuji!
Edited - by ピーマンを肉詰め
Jun 26, 2022

【Ver2.31 追記】 ポスターフレーム設定機能を復活させていただいたようで、大変助かります!他のやり方だと一手間余計にかかるので…ありがたいです。
by ピーマンを肉詰め
Apr 26, 2022
Splendid Way to Index Videos
by Imaginativeone
Mar 05, 2022
I use many of my personal videos to make tutorials for myself to watch on Plex. This app is the perfect way to navigate them, as well as making reference documents that I can use as table(s) of contents.
Edited - by wing_0012
Mar 03, 2022
By Y.MIMORI - Jul 05, 2019
不具合の改善のため までご連絡をお待ちしております。詳細を確認させてください。
By Y.MIMORI - Jun 22, 2019

Hacer justo lo que necesitas
by Mamel_Redondo
Oct 24, 2021
Se trata de una aplicación sencilla de usar que nos permite coger un vídeo de quicktime y añadirle capítulos, es decir, un índice de momentos en el vídeo a los que podemos acceder desde un índice de texto. Muy eficiente y sencilla de usar, vale lo que cuesta.
Perfect for chapters but ...
by BahCmoaSylvain
Oct 02, 2021
I tried it to create chapter on personnal videos and it works perfectly but ... there is a feature to set a frame as poster and this, it doesn't work for me :( ... or maybe i do it wrong ... that's why I give 4 stars
MOV and MP4 can store the poster frame time. Choosing "Set Poster Frame" set it for a time when the playhead is. Not set a poster frame image. Choose "Go to Poster Frame", skip the playhead to the poster frame time you set. But currently I don't know of any app using the poster frame time. It's already a useless feature. Since the useless feature makes users confused and is not required for making chapter marker, I'm going to remove it from mChapters. Thank you.
If you have any questions, contact
By Y.MIMORI - Oct 05, 2021
by Peterjthrees
May 21, 2021
Downloaded mChapters and placed chapter markers in some MP4 files for my daughter. Software worked really well and it's quite intuitive. Well done Tranquility Base!
おおっ v-up! 素敵です
Edited - by Otama-mao-g4
Mar 22, 2021
mChapters さんには、ずっと以前から「字幕工房」と共に、ときどきお世話になっております。まさに made in Japan, で日本人の職人アプリ(褒めるつもりはなく、個々人の捉え方の1つ)。「字幕工房」も含め堅実ゆえに私個人レベルで信頼できる販売元。アプリの細かい問題は、過去にもありましたが、わたし側の工夫次第で全て乗り越えられたという記憶しかありません。主に "QTplayer 7 Pro" を今だに手放せない私ですが "QTplayer X" も最終保存には必須。なぜって、同じmovでも、QT-7's saved mov = classic-type のままでは、mChapters さんの説明書きの必要条件を満たしていないと推察できるから。つまり、過去の mov を将来も再生できるようにする為には、"QTplayer X" で『保存』を選び、ファイル名の後ろに[+X]と目印を付けてやれば、他のアプリを購入する必要がなく、not classic-type movで安全保存可能です。もしQT-7が使えるOS-vなら、たとえQT-Xで保存不可能なファイル内容でも、QT-7's『書き出し』>『Apple-TV』を選択し、m4vで保存できる確率は高く、その後QT-Xでmov保存しておけば将来安全&流用性高いです。ただ、この手法ではチャプタートラックが消えるので、mChapters さんの力を借りて、持ってくるなり、付けるなり、自由にできると思います。

伸長をしたく(年齢と共に反射神経は落ちていきますので)例えば120%伸長の画像と、音声のダイナミックレンジ等の抑制を好みで調整し、自分好みの視聴が容易になりました。しかし、伸長させても、チャプターは、デュレーションが映像と合っていない場合は困難と思う。ところが、mChapters さんの以前からある機能には『最後に合わせる』みたいなモノが確かあって、デュレーションが映像と元々ズレているチャプタートラックでも、画像を伸ばす前にデュレーションを合わせられれば、チャプタートラック伸長が、おそらく上手くいくと思う。/無論、スロー的再生スピードはプレーヤーアプリ側で微調整可能ですが、元音声が320kbps,48kHz以上.70%スローダウンまでなら、さほど粗さは気にならないものの、もし音質にこだわり、画像のfps(フレーム・パー・セカンド)が粗く気になる場合は、プレーヤーのスロー再生機能だけでは不十分と思われます。for now (今のところ)。

こちらのディベロッパさんの賢明アプリ群の利用目的は、個人の趣味の範囲がメインで良いと思う。なぜか自然に尊敬する(なぜだろう?)。思うに、こちらの説明書きの表現も、主催者である Apple 社さんのルールや方針に合わせながらも『できない事は、コレやコレです』と表明している点が素晴らしく、私は個人的に高く評価します。(対して、詐欺系アプリのディベロッパさんは、巧妙な表現で不可能な機能をボヤケた説明表現にし、困惑させられる傾向があるから・・・かも)。ありがたいです。

//(以下は削除対象かも…)/主催者アップル社さんへ;もし上記に不適切な部分がありましたら、当然ながら御社の自由にしてください。なぜなら、私は、最新の「Apple 社さんのルールや方針」をかなり把握できる人間ではなく、素人だと思うからです。どこがレビューとしてマズイのか?は、正直わかりません。レビューの「部分削除や編集」までの経費は無いかもしれませんが、日本放送協会の以前のサイトでは、ディレクター達が、手間ひまかけて「部分削除や編集」を規定に沿い行っていました。この几帳面なA型文化圏のマーケットに沿う方針の一例は、多くの支持を得ておりました(調べれば判ります)。アップル社さんは賢明ですので、几帳面なA型文化圏のマーケットには独特の方針で商売されると、利益が上がるのは文化人類学という理系に沿うので当然と知っていると思われます。個人的には、主催者アップル社さん・当ディベロッパさんが、さらに賢明になるだろうと期待します。

2018,05月に v-up! 素敵です
by Otama-mao
May 03, 2018
mChapters さんには、ずっと以前から「字幕工房」と共に、ときどきお世話になっております。この時期の v-up! てことは、ハイシエラやら、APFS への最適化もされているのかしら? ともあれ、最新バージョンは様々に問題修正されていることでしょう。まさに made in Japan, で日本人の職人アプリ。「字幕工房」も含め堅実ゆえに私個人レベルで信頼できる販売元。アプリの細かい問題は、過去にもありましたが、わたし側の工夫次第で全て乗り越えられたという記憶しかありません。主に "QTplayer 7 Pro" を今だに手放せない私です。あのフレーム単位の「矢印キー」による様々な編集法が最も簡単ですし…。mChapters も同じく「矢印キー」による操作設定が可能で最高です。利用目的は趣味の範囲がメインで良いと思う。ありがとう。
//(以下は削除対象かも…)/個人的に "QTplayer 7 Pro" の「選択範囲に追加して調整」などレア機能は、中高年層向けの「音声・映像 マスタリング」需要として役に立つ機能ゆえ何かの形で残せれば…と願う…。/昨今【手間を省く】アプリが世に多いですが、逆に【手間をかけられる充足感】こそ気分良く心地いい、と思います。御社のアプリには【手間をかけられる充足感】を私個人は感じるので気に入っております。/もちろん同じ事の繰り返し作業なら【手間を省く】工夫はすべきですが…。

Works fast!
by KidCastingCo
Dec 24, 2020
Quickly let me add chapter markers to videos I had transferred from VHS and other sources. ONE problem...set poster frame is not working.
Amazing APP
by 5-andy
Dec 22, 2020
It would be best APP of its kind - if you can add color (just RED will do); fonts availabe for bold, italic (not necessary for underline). These features will definitely makes all the Markers more identical and easier to find. Excellent APP!
by RaoulRiPhone
Oct 23, 2020
It's a very useful app. I wish there were a way to highlight text or mark certain markers for ease of review later.
Just Works!
by Acurina
Jul 27, 2020
After constantly looking for a simple way to add chapter markers, this app is a breeze to use. I love the 5 and 30 sec jump forward/back functions. Never corrupts my file on save. One feature I would like to see added... ability to zoom in/out the time line.
by ClaudioPistidda
Jul 17, 2020
Ottimo alleato quando suoni uno strumento, per me la chitarra. Puoi rallentare il brano, inserire i capitoli cambiando il titolo e posizionandoli nel punto preciso del brano ed esportarli o importarli. Utilissimo quando fai esercizi o hai uno o più soli da studiare. Aggiungerei il loop generale e per singolo capitolo.
Macht genau was es soll...
by IPhoniac28
Jun 09, 2020
...und daher glatte 5 Sterne!
Simple, works well.
by GetLifted
May 27, 2020
Works GREAT. No re-muxing your video, no manually entering timecodes.... also allows frame-accurate chapter points. Easy add a few chapters at a time to long videos. I edit a lot of concerts recorded from television and meticulous about chatper placement. I can place a few chapters at a time, save the file and continue later.
It's a shame that so few free programs with decent GUIs exist for this sort of task, but for the price and ease of use, this app cannot be beat.
Just what I needed
by Bubba Geek
Apr 12, 2020
Easy to use. Tutorial on developer site. Developer is quick to answer questions.
by besteffort
Feb 05, 2020
以前はmdhd version 1に対応してなくて

Works great, a few improvements would be great
by AnthonyStauffer
Dec 07, 2019
If the app would consistently remember window size and position, that would be super helpful.
The other things that would really speed up my workflow are:
1. Keyboard navigation from track list to chapter list so I can delete/add chapters without having to engage the mouse.
2. Keyboard shortcut to open "Import" chapter menu item.
The sizes and positions of the last 50 windows you opend are recorded in your Mac, not in each file.
In version 2.2.4, added the keyboard shortcuts below.
- To move control focus to Chapter List: command + L
- To show the import chapter dialog window: command + I
By Y.MIMORI - Dec 10, 2019
Wirklich brauchbar!
by dirtyharry1001
Jun 20, 2019
Die App bedarf zunächst etwas Einarbeitung / Übung, dann klappt alles wie erwartet und man kann damit Frame-genau Kapitelmarken inkl. einer Bezeichnung setzen. Absolut Topp!
(Man muss erst die Funktion "Add Text Track" hinzufügen, dann kann man über das Plus unten links Marken setzen.)
Vielen Dank, diese Funktion fehlte mir schon lange in iMovie 10.x.
Worked to add Chapters to an iMovie export
by pojo
May 27, 2019
Apple hasn't added back in chapters to iMove 10 yet (as of May 2019), and this app did the trick! The brief problem I had was I couldn't figure out how to add chapters at first because the movie did not have a Text track. Once I added a Text track I was able to add chapters, and was able to associate the chapters with the video/audio tracks. Thanks for the very well made app!
Very Good
by fbs$
May 24, 2019
Using it to edit or add chapter markers to the video.
Will not allow existing titles to be edited
by Dylan Wadol
May 17, 2019
I bought this app for one reason and one reason alone: to edit chapter markers that had already been created in a movie. As far as I can tell, the app does not allow me to do this.
Could you try to click on a title existed or to select it and press the tab key twice. It will be editable.
If you have any questions, contact
By Y.MIMORI - Nov 06, 2019
Great TOOL but will be even better if ...
by 小懿888
Apr 19, 2019
Robust and Quick. No function failure in anyway.
Great TOOL but could be better if its export option of Chapter Title could be in more options like FCPX XML format, Premierer etc.
Wish it could happen ( it's not really hard in anyway)
by MacRégis
Mar 18, 2019
J'ai acheté ce logiciel afin de pouvoir créer des chapitres sur des vidéos et il répond à mes besoins.
Excellent little program for adding chapters
by Ragu6709
Jan 25, 2019
I purchased this software earlier in the week to add chapters to a video I recorded. At first, I had a little difficulty understanding how to incorporate the chapters. Once I viewed the support documentation, it became a snap. I really like the option of using a text file.
This is an excellent addition to iMovie since Apple removed the chaptering feature. Thanks for making this app and for having it at a price point that is very worthwhile

Great Program, Just One Problem
by Arice416
Nov 06, 2018
I think it’s an awesome program and I love that you guys have added support for importing chapters from a text file, but it no longer generates the thumbnails at all. No matter how you add chapters it still says “Making Thumbnails” and doesn’t actually generate them.
To show thumbnails:
Choose View > Show Thumbnails. or click the title “Start Time” above the chapter list.
If not even then, please contact
By Y.MIMORI - Nov 15, 2018
Excellent, simple and elegant
by AK ace
May 22, 2018
This was a great addition to my arsenal of video production tools. I have FCP-X for my main editor, but there are times when I just need to do a simple chapter iinclusion and running it through X is tedious for such a simple task. This allowed me to quickly jump through 2 hours of a dance recital, dropping chapters and titles with great precision for over 40 dances in about 15 minutes. SUPER TIME SAVER! Then it saved the file without a re-encode and VOILA! Chapter markers and titles muxed to the MP4 file effortlessly (or very nearly so). Great app!
Smart, perfect app
by dwn2mrz
Feb 01, 2018
Love how easy it is to add chapters, love the ability to watch/listen at up to x3 speed… very convenient!
I only wish there was a windows version as my non-mac colleagues love the prospect of it, but have found nothing anywhere close to elegant.

Love this app, just one suggestion!
by rekkss
Sep 29, 2017
This is a well made app for adding chapters to video or audio files, without re-encoding so there's no loss in quality.
The only thing I ask for is that we are able to import chapter lists in either .txt or .chp format, so that we wouldn't have to enter each chapter mark manually.
In version 2.1.7, added the feature to add chapters by importing text file. More info.
By Y.MIMORI - Dec 05, 2018
As Good as You Could Reasonably Ask
by Fred Yazzie
Aug 23, 2017
There are a bunch of movie chapter editors in the App Store. I passed over several due to reviews or feature descriptions. This one looked good, and I’m here to report that it *is* good. There are two key things this app does well:
1. The controls work well. Everything is smooth and crisp. This makes adding chapters very quick.
2. It writes the new chapter track in-place very fast. Other apps will re-write the whole movie instead of writing just the chapter track, and may insist on writing to a different place on disk, which is a pain if you have apps like iTunes that remember where the previous file was. Not this app.
For $5, it’s as perfect as you could ask.
by Mocchan
Jul 02, 2017
再生機能自体が標準のQuickTime Playerよりも使いやすいのも長所です。
by pirosmania
Mar 19, 2017

Great app for adding chapters to videos. Does exactly what it claims.
by rekkss
Sep 18, 2016
This is a well made app for adding chapters to a video file, without re-encoding the video and audio tracks. It's very intuitive and works great!
Fait exactement ce que je cherchais !!!
by TorpidLittle
Feb 24, 2016
mChapters fonctionne très bien pour ajouter et/ou éditer les chapitres d’un fichier vidéo.
Et la sauvegarde de la version modifiée s’exécute rapidement, car aucun réencodage n’est nécessaire. Seul un remixage des pistes est fait.
L’interface est très bien fait et très intuitif. Il supporte également plusieurs langages pour les différentes pistes.
La seule raison pourquoi je n’ai pas donné 5 étoiles: On peut exporter les chapitres dans un fichier texte mais, on ne peut pas faire d’importation de chapitres à partir d’un fichier texte. Dommage... Je recommande mChapters quand même !
In version 2.1.7, added the feature to add chapters by importing text file. More info.
By Y.MIMORI - Dec 05, 2018

Super - Kapitelmarker wie früher - Deleted
by qgeorge62
Dec 08, 2015
Ja, mein Vorgänger hat es ja schon gesagt. Super Tool, um Kapitelmarker zu setzen. Unglaublich hilfreich für Live-Konzerte, um von Titel zu Titel zu springen. War früher mal der Standard, als iTunes für Filme und Musik noch ein einziges Programm war in iOS. Irgendwie hat sich wohl alles verschlimmbessert. Ja, sicher, es gibt, wenn man es weiß, eine Methode, den QuickTime-Movies eine zusätzliche Textspur zu spendieren, in der die Kapitelinformationen hinterlegt werden/sind. Nur, wer weiß/kann das schon?! Ich habe echt keine Ahnung, warum Apple das abgeschafft hat. Ich weiß, wie das geht, bin aber über die native komplizierte Vorgehensweise enttäuscht. - Schade. - Kapitelmarker lassen sich in allen QuickTime-Movies setzen, also: mov, mp4, m4v, ja sogar in reinen Audio-Dateien. Diese Software macht das erstaunlich einfach. Man muss die technischen Hintergründe hier gar nicht wissen und kennen, super. Joerg.
by みつうき
Oct 28, 2015
by Pbox1014
Oct 23, 2015
Waited So Long for an App Like This
by computer savage
May 07, 2015
I routinely deal with long form videos for work and need a quick way to add chapters for client reviewal. I hated having to go into a full-blown editor and a render process just to add some markers. This app allows you to quickly pass through your video and add text markers that show up in Quicktime, iTunes, and iPhone. Brilliant—thank you so much!
by Петухов
May 01, 2015
Приложение хорошо, мне нравился просто и доволен. Цена нормально. А есть мелочи недостаток и проблема немного есть. Например часто сам автомат закрыт из-за видео много. Еще нет русский язык. Бы русский язык и плавно работает любой формат. Спасибо
Works, but awkward
by PickleOfTheNorth
Apr 02, 2015
Solved my problems with adding chapters. But the workflow to this is extremely awkward, and the only instructions are a tutorial video that only goes through the convoluted basics. That said, it works when you’ve got it worked out.
by Vnstr7
Mar 28, 2015
I used this 2 years ago and am happy to rediscover it again! I am using this to create bookmarks/chapters for my video tutorials.
Need Markers Recognised In FCPX...
by Sean Dillnutt
Feb 26, 2015
Great for alleviating future re-logging of footage whilst in Post Production. You’ve marked your video / audio once, so there’s never a need to repeat the process. Open up quick look (mac) / Quicktime & skim through your Marked up footage.
Would be extremely useful, invaluable to have the chapters recognised by FCPX (currently using 10.1.4) so not to have to input all the timecoded Markers into FCPX.
One final thing, having J,K & L to rewind, pause & forward would help in workflow, rather than jumping back / forward with 5 - 30 seconds.
Simple to use tool
by Quibling
Jan 17, 2015
Well written app which does exactly what its says it will do. Quick and easy to use and very accurate. A quality product. Thanks
chapters from mChapters saved file not recognized in iDVD
by VV butterfly10
Jan 07, 2015
Version 2.1.0, saved movie files from mChapters when used in iDVD, no Chapters are identified. I can take a version 2.0.9 saved movie file and iDVD will recognize the chapters. It is disappointing to have to look for a new application after paying for this one.
Fixed this issue in v2.1.1.

Do not buy under any circumstance - BROKEN
by DruzeMan
Dec 19, 2014
I should have listened to the review from earlier in December. This app just does not work! It will prompt you for the video file name and then just hang. I was so upset that iMovie 10 does not allow chapter markers, I bought this too quickly. Very bad!!
Application not responding
by RJWhelan
Dec 11, 2014
Well… another one has taken my money. This app was purchased, I clicked on the icon and a box popped up for me to load in the file. i choose the file and it hangs there. Outside of the pictures within the app store, I have not even seen the app, menus or buttons. I would steer clear if I were you. Do not purchase this non-working app.
by 島流し中
Sep 06, 2014
外出時に子供にiPad miniでムービーを見せる際に、早送りで再生したい位置を探すのが面倒だったので、mp4にチャプターを設定したかったためです。

(早送り・巻き戻しのボタンは一度押すと1/30秒移動で、長押しが早送り・巻き戻し。再生&停止ボタンの横にある< >が1/100秒)

もちろんチャプター名も設定出来ますが、QuickTimeでは設定したチャプター名が表示されるも、iTunesとiPad miniでは表示されませんでした。

同じようなアプリのChapter Maker、Chapter Writerも試しましたが、再エンコードをしているようで保存に時間がかかるうえ、保存後のファイル容量が飛躍的に大きくなりました。保存の設定を探しましたがそれらしき設定は見当たらず、iPadでの視聴を目的とした(ストレージ容量が気になる)使用には向きませんでした。

App Good, Guide Bad
by JBR63
May 29, 2014
Where is information on how to add Poster Frames? What does the Chapter Reference pull down menu do when you select the varous options? Where is a true support page? Too many questions not answered in the app or on their site.
by Dr_Chris_H
May 09, 2014
A great little app for adding chapters to audio podcasts and audiobooks (haven’t tried it with video).
Best Chapter Marker!
by CamposMusic
Mar 23, 2014
I have tried different chapter marker editors and this one works the best for me.
Endlich wieder Kapitel-Marker setzen!
by mailtooak
Mar 22, 2014
Also ich muss jetzt mal hier meiner Freunde kund tun, denn seit Ewigkeiten suche ich nach einer Möglichkeit in meinen Filmen wieder Kapitel-Marker zu setzen. Da ja aus iMovie 10 die Möglichkeit Kapitel-Marker zu setzen verbannt wurde, war ich schon kurz davor FinalCut zu kaufen. Da bei dem Programm „mChapters“ noch keiner eine Rezension geschrieben hat, war ich mir natürlich sehr unsicher diese App zu kaufen. Allerdings sind ja nun im Vergleich zu 269 € für FinalCut - knapp 5,00 € auch nicht die Menge an Geld. Bis jetzt hält meine Freude noch an, denn das Programm tut genau das was es soll und das wirklich sehr gut. …bis jetzt zu mindestens!! ….sollte ich noch negative Erfahrungen machen, werde ich es hier noch schreiben! Sehr gut finde ich, dass das Speichern des Filmes ohne neue Codiervorgänge stattfindet, also relativ schnell.
Nice alternative since iMove 10 does not support Chapter markers
by cxb10
Feb 04, 2014
This App provides an easy way to add Chapters to iMovie videos now that the latest iMovie no longer supports Chapter markers. You just open the exported iMove file with mChapters and add Chapter(s) at any point you wish. However, iMovie’s exported file has the mp4 extension and the old Quicktime programs like iDVD and Quicktime Player 7 do not recognize chapter tracks in an mp4 file. From the Finder simply change the extension from mp4 to m4v before or after editing with mChapters and the chapter track will be recognized.

Does not work
by John Graybeal
Nov 05, 2013
Will not excpet a .mp4 video OS X. Sorry.
Does what it needs to do
by grahams106
Apr 24, 2013
Best of all the chapter marking utilities I've used. Allows very fine control of where you place the markers. What's neat is that if you've made a mistake you can position the playhead at a new point and simply drag the correct timecode over to the chapter marker - and it just updates! The top left panel could do with some better explanation for novices and I would like to see J-K-L keyboard support for jog and shuttle control - having to use your mouse and click on the forward and rewind icons is a real pain. But other than that a very useful utility!
by wakuya
Mar 31, 2013

Дрянь !!
by serega1812
Oct 28, 2012
Разработчик не позаботился даже об установке по-умолчанию АНГЛИЙСКОГО языка !! Не каждый знает,что означают эти закорючки в настройках ! И не понять есть ли вообще настройки!! - Моя оценка минус 100 !! И гнать таких надо с его продуктом в шею!
Easy but Powerful
by pimaniac
Oct 16, 2012
I've been looking for something like this for a long time. I frequently need to add and edit chapters in existing video and this lets me save it back into the original mp4 file without any conversion or exporting. It's easy to use and has a good interface. I'll have to explore some of its other features more, but it's going to be a big help!